
Something borrowed book series order
Something borrowed book series order

She does not know her own worth, thus settling for crumbs of affection from Dexter, who turned out to like her way before he met Darcy six years prior. While I liked Rachel as a heroine, I could understand why people walked all over her. She always had things easy because people were always falling all over themselves to give her everything even before she asked for it. Perhaps, her sense of entitlement was a tad annoying at some points of the story but one has to understand that she can’t help it. She didn’t let anything stand in her way. But for Rachel it was different, because she always compared herself to Darcy, and always saw herself as the loser because Darcy was a go getter. I for one, was not too happy when I turned 30 and had a week long slump as I got my act together. When women hit the big 3-0, they begin to question everything about themselves… where they are, how happy they are career wise and relationship wise. I could totally relate to the panic Rachel felt when it dawned on her that she hit a major milestone in her life without achieving any of her goals (well, not those that matter anyway). They sleep together, and the self centered Darcy is completely oblivious as the affair develops behind her back. On the night of Rachel’s 30th birthday party though (which Darcy threw), they both get drunk and do the unthinkable. Rachel was friends with Dexter in law school and was totally into him but she decided that he wouldn’t go for her, thus the introduction to her much more suitable friend. Darcy is marrying major big shot hunk Dexter Thaler, six years after Rachel introduced the two. Something Borrowed is a story of Rachel White, a goody two shoes New York lawyer who is best friends with the glamorous Darcy Rhone, a go getter who has breezed through life getting everything she wants. When I saw the trailer for the movie though, which is showing on cinemas next week (Can’t wait), I decided to give it a chance. I guess I could consider myself a prude for feeling that way. The reason that I didn’t get the book before was that it dealt with betrayal and I didn’t like reading about that, especially involving family and friends. After I’ve seen the trailer, I was hooked. I have seen this book on the bookstore shelves countless times before Hilary Swank optioned the rights to the movie. Something Borrowed is a chick lit released by author Emily Giffin in 2005 about a pair of lifelong friends - polar opposites of each other who find themselves in a bind after the nice one sleeps with the other one’s fiance and begins a rebellious clandestine affair.

Something borrowed book series order